Chorosia, Cutting Threads & Hills Like White Lions im Proberaum Scheibbs
Heavy riffage incoming!
Das Proberaum-Jahr 2024 beginnt mit einem Banger: Mit Chorosia, Cutting Threads und Hills Like White Lions holen wir am 15. März drei Metal-Acts in den Proberaum, die alle auf ihre individuelle Art an das Genre herangehen.
This one is gonna be a loud one!
Layout: Maximilian Zeller

Freitag 15. März
Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Proberaum Scheibbs (Feldgasse 1, 3270 Scheibbs)
Eintritt: 15 € (12 € ermäßigt)
Chorosia is a prog/post-sludge metal band from Vienna that was founded in 2017. Combining elements of sludge, doom, grind, and even folk music, online critics often struggled to put a genre tag to their music. Instead, they praised it for its creativity, weirdness, and even strange beauty. The band’s third studio effort, „Stray Dog“, features their signature blend of intriguing instrumentation and growling vocals.
Cutting Threads is a progressive Metal project based in Vienna. Their sound is influenced by bands like Mastodon, Periphery, and Jinjer but is altogether hard to grasp. See for yourself.
Weaving together euphoria and melancholy, Hills Like White Lions offer a colorful bouquet of emotional and diverse music. The Progressive Metal band ties together the heavy and the soft, the clean and the dirty, the bright and the dark.